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Paper Resources: Money, Deposit & Withdraw slips, Bonus & Fine slips, Checks, and Loan Slips
Paper Resources: Money, Deposit & Withdraw slips, Bonus & Fine slips, Checks, and Loan Slips

Use these paper resources alongside ClassEquity!

Abby Coyle avatar
Written by Abby Coyle
Updated over a week ago

Use paper dollars to give bonuses on the fly. Simply cut and pass out as you please!

Students are responsible for holding on to all paper money, as they would be with cash in their wallets.

✨ Pro tip: Allow students to deposit their cash into ClassEquity by turning in a bank slip below. To transfer these paper dollars to the online platform, you can issue a custom bonus with the title "Deposit" and the amount equivalent to the cash you are collecting

Deposits: Allow students to deposit their paper money into their bank account.

Students turn in their paper cash along with a bank deposit slip

so that you can easily send them a custom digital bonus when most convenient.

Withdraws: Allow students to withdraw money from their bank account to have cash on hand. This allows students to easily pay fines on the spot or purchase items

from the class store with paper money.

✨ Pro tip: Want students to be able to withdraw cash from their accounts? Issue a custom fine with the title "Withdraw" and give them the cash value of the withdraw.

Hand over responsibility to the class "Monitor" to give bonuses and fines on your behalf!

✨ Pro tip: At the end of each week, allow students to give a "Bonus" to a classmate that they thought did an awesome job that week!

Teacher your students how to write checks to pay bills, fines, or to purchase rewards from the class store! You can also have the "Payroll Clerk" write paper paychecks to pay your students for their classroom jobs.

"Just as in real life, students don’t always have enough money to cover their needs and wants. This is where our loan system comes into play. Students can fill out a loan slip and work with a loan officer to work out a payment plan. This is an excellent opportunity to teach students about interest rates and how to calculate percentages." - Ambassador Hannah B.

Print paper money, deposit and withdraw slips, bonus and fine slips, checks, and loan slips all on the same document.

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